The Crespo Organic Mango Bowl

AI powered mango entertainment (my first) [This is me, the real me—Nissa.] Below is the article ChatGPT wrote when I asked it to write a blog post for Under The Mango Tree about the experience we’ve been having making an entertainment promotion for Crespo Organic Mangoes. I had the clever idea to use AI to…

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24 Days of #MangoJoy

A Crespo Organic Christmas This holiday season, Crespo Organic Mangoes invites you to celebrate Christmas with a Mexican mango twist through our 24 Days of #MangoJoy Advent Calendar. Each day reveals a new door to discovery, where the Crespo Organic Kitchen shares its signature Mango-Higher Ed, along with mango-inspired holiday recipes and mango-centric gift ideas—all…

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Consumer Delight

Summer Mango Mania: Cultivating #MangoJoy reaps substantial, enduring rewards for all I began last year’s Summer Mango Mania recap by noting that the world hadn’t historically measured ROI in happiness, and that the Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania #MuchosMangoes promotional results proved the ROI of #MangoJoy should be taken seriously. I’m reaffirming that hypothesis as…

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#CelebrateMexico #CelebrateMangoes

A Cinco de Mayo promotion that celebrates Mexico with mangoes While Cinco de Mayo may not be a major holiday in Mexico, it has become a significant event in the USA, driving sales of Mexican produce items, including mangoes. We recognize the opportunity this presents for us. Our #CelebrateMexico #CelebrateMangoes campaign not only excites and…

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Little Ataulfos. Big Opportunity.

Offering consumers  a side of value along with their #MangoJoy Our sweet organic Ataulfos are making their way across the USA and into stores. Their natural sugar caramel sweetness, complemented by subtle Mexican spice undertones, is soon to grace the hands of eager Ataulfo aficionados. The potential for sweet culinary creations becomes limitless: from vibrant…

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Cultivating #MangoJoy for Profit

The ROI of Crespo’s Summer Mango Mania promotion  I know I live in a world that doesn’t register ROI in happiness, let alone recognize the monetary value of #MangoJoy.  I am, however, acutely aware that #MangoJoy has value and that when we work together to cultivate it, building comprehensive mango programs that encircle it,  everyone…

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#CelebrateMexico #CelebrateMangoes

The Cinco de Mayo show goes on, despite supply complexities A single mango goes a long way: in recipes and in creating #MangoJoy for consumers. Mangoes don’t have to be dirt cheap or in heaping abundance for a consumer to feel the sweet tropical satisfaction and joy that comes from eating and using mangoes. As…

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My Equipo’s Recipe for Success

  Those that feast together grow together Someone recently claimed that recipes have no place in buyer-focused produce marketing. That someone doesn’t know my history with buyers or recipes nor does that person connect the dots between farms and tables, like I do. That someone has probably never witnessed the excitement over the vibrant consumer…

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Where Is the Spine in International Women’s “Day”?

Building bridges: diversity & inclusion  It’s a weird day, this International Woman’s Day thing.  It feels important but like we’ve made a very serious topic frivolous by placing it in a “day category”, next to International Ice Cream Day and International Siblings Day. My gut feeling is that this rather uncomfortable topic is placed here…

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Celebrate, Know and Feel Mexico with Pechuga

A celebratory mango-milk punch for Christmas I had my first Pechuga, about 30 years ago when I was studying politics in Cuernavaca, Mexico while in college. On one of our outings we visited the then governor of the state of Morelos (where Cuernavaca is located) at his home, to discuss local politics. The governor also…

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