Crespo Organic Nam Doc Mai

Thailand’s most famous dessert mango #HechoEnMexico Where exactly is Jorge the Crespo Mango Man these days? We haven’t seen him in a while, which usually means he’s deep in the thickets of his secret projects. Jorge Crespo is one of the four Crespo siblings, who alongside his mother run the family agricultural business ( El…

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Mexican Season Availability

Questions, complexity & truths, form my organic perspective Mexico has one of the longest mango export seasons in the world, spanning nearly 10 months as production moves north along the Pacific Rim. The harvest begins in the south in late January or early February in Oaxaca and Chiapas. As the season progresses, it moves through…

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Consumer Delight

Summer Mango Mania: Cultivating #MangoJoy reaps substantial, enduring rewards for all I began last year’s Summer Mango Mania recap by noting that the world hadn’t historically measured ROI in happiness, and that the Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania #MuchosMangoes promotional results proved the ROI of #MangoJoy should be taken seriously. I’m reaffirming that hypothesis as…

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2024 Season Recap

Decent sales, sincere loyalty &  extreme #MangoJoy  cultivated despite production hurdles This season was one of the most peculiar I’ve experienced, but ultimately, it turned out to be one of the best in terms of ROI. Despite numerous trials and tribulations, our customers and consumers stood by us, and together we delivered exceptional mango experiences…

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Robust Mochis Collaborations

Mochis partnerships prove potent as the end of Mexican mango season arrives!  The arrival of Los Mochis Keitt mangoes marks the bittersweet end of Mexico’s mango season, offering us a few more weeks to enjoy the sweet fruit from this fruit fly-free zone. Despite Mexico’s severe drought this season, the region’s cooperative conditions are expected…

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3 Minute Mango Expertise: Noris Ledesma

Risk & Reward: “Who is going to take the risk, who is going to make the changes” This season is a wake up call according to my guest this week! I love unraveling ideas and sharing information. This Summer Mango Mania season, I’m excited to introduce 3 Minute Mango Expertise. Each 3-minute video features interviews…

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Mango Difficulties Continue (Crop Report)

Planning, committing, flexibility and a love of small things key to success Currently mango markets are confusing. There is a lot less fruit on the trees in comparison to previous years.  While there is fruit available, it tends to be smaller in size. Ataulfos are more abundant (overall) compared to previous years, yet they are…

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Cultivating #MangoJoy for Profit

The ROI of Crespo’s Summer Mango Mania promotion  I know I live in a world that doesn’t register ROI in happiness, let alone recognize the monetary value of #MangoJoy.  I am, however, acutely aware that #MangoJoy has value and that when we work together to cultivate it, building comprehensive mango programs that encircle it,  everyone…

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Happy Endings, Potent Partnerships

Big & sweet Keitts signal the end, our Mochis family makes it “easy” for us! Los Mochis Keitt mangoes, the late season final varietal of Mexico’s mango season is now officially in full swing, marking these next few weeks the bittersweet conclusion of our sweet, sweet mango season. There is no need to dwell on…

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Crespo Organic Debuts Opulent Specialty Mango Tags

Educational, Insightful, & Strategic Packaging Mango Queen Specialty Mangoes- Check out the site! I am very proud of the  work we are releasing today with the launch of the new Mango Queen specialty mango line!! I am very proud of the  Crespo Organic Mango brand in general– not just in relation to my work in…

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